It's time to take action. You were designed to be fully human and fully alive.
Jim Herrington
The essence of courage is: do it scared.
Trisha Taylor
Leadership means energizing a community of people toward their own transformation in order to accomplish a shared mission in the face of a changing world.
Tod Bolsinger
You're imperfect and you're wired for struggle but you are worthy of love and belonging.
Brene Brown
Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection.
Brene Brown
Personal transformation happens best in the context of a reflective lifestyle.
Jim Herrington
God does big things. To us they seem very small. I am learning not to despise the day of small things.
Mandy Smith
It's not our job as teachers to help people avoid the discomfort but to create space for them to pay attention and learn from it.
Mandy Smith
Start by acting on conviction, stay connected, stay calm, stay the course.
Tod Bolsinger
Wholeness can be described as soulfulness, a life that's centered, passionately engaged, open, creative, connected and propelled by a sense of mission.
Chuck DeGroat
When a system is not dominated by anxiety, everyone is free to speak truthfully, everyone is free to listen curiously.
Chuck DeGroat
We can't settle for a little bit of transformation . . . we want to live into the full design of who God made us to be. We want the whole thing.
Jim Herrington
Whether we need to change systems and structures or hearts and minds, we can only move as fast as our conversations. Leaders lead through communication.