Candid conversations with our coaches + leaders like you.
Tune in to The Leader's Journey podcast for bi-weekly conversations on leadership, emotional maturity, systems thinking, and more.
Trisha, Jim, and their guests have authentic conversations about the challenges and opportunities of leadership. Each episode introduces an easy-to-understand concept along with examples of that concept being put into practice. Though the concepts we teach are easy to understand, they will require your very best self and a good deal of practice over time.
You'll leave each episode feeling inspired, challenged, and with practical ways to improve your leadership.
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The Misuse and Abuse of Authority – Part Two
Join Jim and Trisha as they discuss how assigned authority affects our lives with their guest Ryan Donovan. Take the time to listen to the hard questions being asked about...
Episode: 122The Leader's JourneyPodcastThe Misuse and Abuse of Authority – Part One
Authority is inherent in leadership roles, and that inherent authority can be misused and abused. In part one of this series, Jim and Trisha discuss the reality of abuse, the...
Episode: 121The Leader's JourneyPodcastEngaging with Artificial Intelligence with Curiosity and Intentionality
In this episode, dive into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on various aspects of life, including leadership, sermon writing, and more. Join us as we...
Episode: 120The Leader's JourneyPodcastThe Equations of Ministry: Imagining Beyond the Traditional Church Model
Jim talks with Mike Whang about how his shift away from the traditional church model opened up avenues of ministry that can be limited for those in Christian leadership. Mike...
Episode: 119The Leader's JourneyPodcast
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