The Leader's Journey podcast.
Tune in to The Leader's Journey podcast for bi-weekly conversations on leadership, emotional maturity, systems thinking, and more.
In each episode, our founders Jim and Trisha have a candid and insightful conversion with other or with a real-life leader in a church, nonprofit, or business. You'll leave each episode feeling inspired, challenged, and with practical ways to improve your leadership.

Free Downloads
Workshops, checklists, tip sheets, and templates to add to your leadership toolkit.
Two Feet Walking Workbook
We hope this workbook is helpful as you consider what it might look like to foster a more healthy congregation that is actively working toward a shared mission in the midst of the growing complexity of leadership and the increasingly rapid pace of change we are in today.
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Books We've Published
The Leader’s Journey: Accepting the Call to Personal and Congregational Transformation
by Jim Herington & Trisha Taylor
Backed by psychological research, Biblical principles, and congregational experiences, this is our step-by-step guide to transforming the lives of pastors and congregational lay leaders so that they can become truly effective leaders.
BUY THIS BOOKLearning Change: Congregational Transformation Fueled by Personal Renewal
by Jim Herington & Trisha Taylor
Our model of church renewal, based on learning organization theory, adaptive leadership, family systems theory, recent discoveries in the neurosciences, and our own decades of experience leading churches through change.
BUY THIS BOOKLeading Congregational Change: A Practical Guide for the Transformational Journey
by Jim Herrington, James H. Furr, and Mike Bonem
Simple-but-powerful concepts for leading congregations, whether long established or recently formed, through profound change.
On Our Bookshelf
Books we’re reading and recommending right now.
Bolsinger, Tod Canoeing The Mountains
BUY THIS BOOKKellerman, Barbara. The End of Leadership
BUY THIS BOOKIbarra, Herminia. Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader.
BUY THIS BOOKSayer, Mark. A Non-Anxious Presence
BUY THIS BOOKScott, Halee Gray. Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women.
BUY THIS BOOKWalling, Terry. Unlikely Nomads
BUY THIS BOOKHeifetz and Linsky. Leadership On the Line.
BUY THIS BOOKPeter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
Herrington, Taylor and Creech. The Leader’s Journey.
BUY THIS BOOKKathleen Smith. Everything Isn’t Terrible
BUY THIS BOOKSagar, Ruth and Wiseman, Kathleen, editors. Understanding Organizations
BUY THIS BOOKCreech, Robert. Family Systems and Congregational Life
BUY THIS BOOKRIchardson, Ronald. Becoming A Healthier Pastor
BUY THIS BOOKKerr, Michael. Bowen Theory’s Secrets
BUY THIS BOOKRonald Richardson. Polarization and the Healthier Church.
BUY THIS BOOKEdwin Friedman. A Failure of Nerve.
BUY THIS BOOKPeter Steinke. How Your Church Family Works.
BUY THIS BOOKRoberta Gilbert. The 8 Concepts of Bowen Theory.
BUY THIS BOOKRoberta Gilbert. Extraordinary Relationships.
Bradberry, Travis. Emotional Intelligence Habits
BUY THIS BOOKGoleman, Daniel Working with Emotional Intelligence
BUY THIS BOOKKim Scott. Radical Candor.
BUY THIS BOOKBrene Brown. Dare to Lead.
BUY THIS BOOKPatterson and Grenny, et. al. Crucial Conversations.
Lee, Cindy S. Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation.
BUY THIS BOOKSternke, Ben and Tebbe, Matt Having the Mind of Christ
BUY THIS BOOKPeterson, Eugene. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
BUY THIS BOOKSteve Cuss. The Expectation Gap.
BUY THIS BOOKMandy Smith. Unfettered.
BUY THIS BOOKPhuc Luu. Jesus of the East.
BUY THIS BOOKScot McKnight. A Church Called Tov.
Our Blog
Articles and resources published by our team of leadership coaches.
- September 15, 2022Contemporary Issues
Are Christians Quiet Quitting?
Fewer people are going to church and those who do go to church go less often. Churches are having a hard time finding volunteers for their usual programs and people...
- June 21, 2022Contemporary Issues
The SBC is my Spiritual Family of Origin
As the SBC winds up, I am, once again, reflecting on the fact that the SBC is my spiritual family of origin. I lived "at home" for 53 years; I...
- May 2, 2022Emotional Intelligence
Boundaries Increase Our Love
In her newest book, Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown begins her section on boundaries by boldly stating that Boundaries are a prerequisite for compassion and empathy. We can’t connect...
- February 28, 2022Leadership
A Lifelong Student of Leadership
I’ve had a lifelong interest in leadership. The first book I read on leadership was in 1986. Burt Nanus and Warren Bennis wrote “Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge.” In this...