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At an early age, Aundrea developed a passion for understanding human behavior. Initially, she focused this attention on understanding herself and her family. Born and raised in southwest Louisiana, she never felt like she quite fit in with her family and her social groups. As a result of her desire to understand, she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Louisiana State University. 

Upon graduating, she worked as a social worker at a state institution that housed mentally and developmentally disabled people.

As newlyweds, Aundrea and her husband moved to the Houston area. Within a couple of years of the move, Aundrea became a member of the staff of her church. She found the engagement in church leadership foundationally added to her quest for understanding human behavior. She now had a focus of understanding it from the point of view of the intersection between God and humans. Eventually, she became the church administrator, and her husband became the youth pastor. As the church administrator, leadership training of the staff and volunteers was part of her responsibilities. While administrator, she graduated from LeTourneau University with a Master of Business Administration.

These experiences enlarged her passion from simply understanding human behavior to helping individuals’ growth in their God-given potential and purpose. In 2006, she and her husband decided to utilize all the knowledge and experience they had gained by planting a church in Pearland, Texas. As she was assisting her husband in leading this church, Aundrea enrolled in Houston Graduate School of Theology (HGST) where she obtained a Master of Divinity degree.

Besides theological, biblical, and ecclesiological studies, she garnered knowledge of spiritual formation and spiritual direction. These subjects inspired her to believe that transformation of the individual is possible with intention and community assistance. She co-pastored this church with her husband for nearly ten years. In addition, she and her husband founded and ran a non-profit youth organization focusing on at-risk teenagers.

After more than twenty years in church leadership, Aundrea shifted directions. This shift, in part, came after she participated in Faithwalking. Faithwalking deepened her understanding of spiritual formation as well as helped her understand herself better. In Faithwalking, she was introduced to Family Systems Theory which gave her insight into the functioning of her family as well as into the organizations she had been a part of. 

After Faithwalking, she decided to continue her exploration of these topics by once again enrolling in HGST to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree with a specialization in spiritual formation/spiritual direction. She graduated in 2021.

Aundrea and her husband currently live in Pearland, TX with their four children.

    Aundrea Baker is an exceptional coach for the Leader’s Journey program. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow under her guidance and through the program’s curriculum.

    Her approach is unique, as it involves guiding you through strategies and allowing you to evaluate yourself, process your mental models, and apply new tools to become a better leader.

    Often, we carry work traumas and experiences that limit our ability to perform at our best. However, Aundrea’s leadership offers grace and gentle counseling to help you become aware of your personality strengths and challenges and encourages you to explore areas of growth and healing.

    Thanks to this experience, I know I am a better person and a more effective leader.

    Alexandria Hodge

    Development Director, Agape Development

    Houston, TX

    My monthly calls with Aundrea have been a game changer for me in all areas of my life. Understanding and evaluating how I show up, what I bring, and the ways I respond to situations has unlocked an ability to stay more present, engaged, balanced, and thoughtful as opposed to having anxious energy be my driving force.

    Courtney Powell

    Creative Project Director

    Heartland Church

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