After talking about each of the 8 core concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory in previous episodes, we come back together in this episode to ask some final questions about the theory and its usefulness to us as leaders.
We wonder about the relationship of the theory to our spirituality. What do we have to learn about faith from this theory? How can we approach our faith and the faith of others with curiosity and objectivity?
We also look at common myths about BFST and answer common questions that people have about the theory. We hope that this series will lead you to investigate further and consider BFST as one of the theories that guide your leadership.
Check out the full series here: Bowen Family Systems Theory Series
- The relationship between BFST and faith
- Bowen’s 9th concept – the supernatural
- Asking questions about our faith – objective and subjective
- Our own stories about our faith and BFST
- Addressing common myths about BFST:
- Bowen theory is uncaring and unrelational
- Triangles are bad
- I should get everyone in my life on board with BFST
- Systems theory is opposed to personal responsibility
The Series
- Bowen Family Systems Theory #1
- Bowen Family Systems Theory #2
- Bowen Family Systems Theory #3
- Bowen Family Systems Theory #4
- Bowen Family Systems Theory #5
For basic information about BFST, we recommend these resources:
- The 8 Concepts of Bowen Theory by Roberta Gilbert
- Extraordinary Relationships by Roberta Gilbert
- For a deep dive into Bowen theory in Bowen’s own words, try Family Therapy in Clinical Practice by Murray Bowen.
To expand your application of Bowen theory, consider:
- A Diary of Everyday Growing Up (podcast and blog) by Jenny Brown
- A Failure of Nerve by Edwin Friedman
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