- September 15, 2022Contemporary Issues
Are Christians Quiet Quitting?
Fewer people are going to church and those who do go to church go less often. Churches are having a hard time finding volunteers for their usual programs and people...
- June 21, 2022Contemporary Issues
The SBC is my Spiritual Family of Origin
As the SBC winds up, I am, once again, reflecting on the fact that the SBC is my spiritual family of origin. I lived "at home" for 53 years; I...
- May 2, 2022Emotional Intelligence
Boundaries Increase Our Love
In her newest book, Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown begins her section on boundaries by boldly stating that Boundaries are a prerequisite for compassion and empathy. We can’t connect...
- February 28, 2022Leadership
A Lifelong Student of Leadership
I’ve had a lifelong interest in leadership. The first book I read on leadership was in 1986. Burt Nanus and Warren Bennis wrote “Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge.” In this...
- April 25, 2021Leadership
Can I Coach Myself?
At The Leader’s Journey, we offer coaching for leaders who want to experience a growing capacity to achieve the results in life and leadership that matter most to them. In...
- April 6, 2021Bowen Family Systems
How Bowen Theory Helps Me Lead Without Resorting to Shame or Blame
Understanding the concept of sibling position in Bowen Theory allows me to maintain leadership responsibility without resorting to shame or blame. Early in my training in Bowen Theory I made...
- February 11, 2021Change/Transformation, Systems Thinking
Doubling Down and The Anxiety of Change
About a year ago, the CEO of a local Austin startup had the insight to recognize there were some cultural issues stifling the growth and profitability of his company. He...
- February 8, 2021Bowen Family Systems
Bowen Theory’s Absolutely Unique Take on Leadership
Want to know what convinced me that Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST) provides a powerful resource for leaders of all sorts? When our family embarked on the journey of fostering...
- January 13, 2021Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
The Effect of Focus
I taught a communication course at a local university for a number of years. Mostly what that meant was that I helped college students prepare and deliver speeches in class....
- December 15, 2020Emotional Maturity
I have been trying to grow up
Somewhere along the way I became convinced that if I could do a little bit better for myself, the people around me might be able to do a little better...
- Bowen Family Systems
- Change/Transformation
- Communication/Dialogue
- Conflict
- Contemporary Issues
- Deep Change
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Maturity
- Guiding Principles
- Leadership
- April 6, 2021Bowen Family Systems
How Bowen Theory Helps Me Lead Without Resorting to Shame or Blame
Understanding the concept of sibling position in Bowen Theory allows me to maintain leadership responsibility without resorting to shame or blame. Early in my training in Bowen Theory I made...
- February 8, 2021Bowen Family Systems
Bowen Theory’s Absolutely Unique Take on Leadership
Want to know what convinced me that Bowen Family Systems Theory (BFST) provides a powerful resource for leaders of all sorts? When our family embarked on the journey of fostering...
- February 11, 2021Change/Transformation, Systems Thinking
Doubling Down and The Anxiety of Change
About a year ago, the CEO of a local Austin startup had the insight to recognize there were some cultural issues stifling the growth and profitability of his company. He...
- May 7, 2018Change/Transformation, Leadership
Building Trust for Change Leadership
Every congregation, every organization is facing the option of deep change or slow death. Context matters in achieving your mission and we are living in the midst of a paradigm...
- September 3, 2019Conflict, Contemporary Issues
We Refuse To Be Enemies: Being defined and connected in Israel/Palestine
It was in a small, stuffy room in the sub-basement of the Golden Walls Hotel, just across the road from the old city of Jerusalem. I was with a small...
- September 15, 2022Contemporary Issues
Are Christians Quiet Quitting?
Fewer people are going to church and those who do go to church go less often. Churches are having a hard time finding volunteers for their usual programs and people...
- June 21, 2022Contemporary Issues
The SBC is my Spiritual Family of Origin
As the SBC winds up, I am, once again, reflecting on the fact that the SBC is my spiritual family of origin. I lived "at home" for 53 years; I...
- September 28, 2020Contemporary Issues
This is a guest post written by Geno Olison. For more about Geno check out his bio below this post. While this post provides excellent, practical guidance about the work...
- March 25, 2020Contemporary Issues, Leadership
20 Questions to Help with COVID-19 Anxiety
As we get deeper into all of this, I can feel my own anxiety increasing and if what I’m seeing in my news feed is any indication, so is yours....
- September 3, 2019Conflict, Contemporary Issues
We Refuse To Be Enemies: Being defined and connected in Israel/Palestine
It was in a small, stuffy room in the sub-basement of the Golden Walls Hotel, just across the road from the old city of Jerusalem. I was with a small...
- May 2, 2022Emotional Intelligence
Boundaries Increase Our Love
In her newest book, Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown begins her section on boundaries by boldly stating that Boundaries are a prerequisite for compassion and empathy. We can’t connect...
- January 13, 2021Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
The Effect of Focus
I taught a communication course at a local university for a number of years. Mostly what that meant was that I helped college students prepare and deliver speeches in class....
- December 11, 2019Emotional Intelligence, Guiding Principles
Managing Painful Feelings – Part 2
The subject line read “Help!” He sent me a long string of emails to read. His organization is engaged in a deep change process, and that the work has produced...
- November 8, 2019Emotional Intelligence
Managing Painful Feelings: Part 1
In my late twenties, I began seeing a counselor. After several sessions of trust-building, one day I complained about something in my life. My counselor asked: “How do you feel...
- December 15, 2020Emotional Maturity
I have been trying to grow up
Somewhere along the way I became convinced that if I could do a little bit better for myself, the people around me might be able to do a little better...
- January 24, 2020Emotional Maturity
Owning My Mess and Learning to See My Self More Clearly
I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s “Rising Strong” and recently finished the chapter about sewer rats and scofflaws. It speaks to how our self-righteousness and judgment of others and ourselves clouds...
- October 30, 2019Emotional Maturity
RESISTANCE IS FUTILE The world is changing at a pace that is staggering. From the escalation of political polarization, to the increase of wealth disparity, to the increasing occurrence of...
- December 11, 2019Emotional Intelligence, Guiding Principles
Managing Painful Feelings – Part 2
The subject line read “Help!” He sent me a long string of emails to read. His organization is engaged in a deep change process, and that the work has produced...
- February 28, 2022Leadership
A Lifelong Student of Leadership
I’ve had a lifelong interest in leadership. The first book I read on leadership was in 1986. Burt Nanus and Warren Bennis wrote “Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge.” In this...
- April 25, 2021Leadership
Can I Coach Myself?
At The Leader’s Journey, we offer coaching for leaders who want to experience a growing capacity to achieve the results in life and leadership that matter most to them. In...
- January 13, 2021Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
The Effect of Focus
I taught a communication course at a local university for a number of years. Mostly what that meant was that I helped college students prepare and deliver speeches in class....
- March 25, 2020Contemporary Issues, Leadership
20 Questions to Help with COVID-19 Anxiety
As we get deeper into all of this, I can feel my own anxiety increasing and if what I’m seeing in my news feed is any indication, so is yours....
- January 13, 2020Leadership
Let Us Help You Develop Leaders
A leader is not defined by how many followers you have but by how many leaders you create.” Mahatma Gandhi We believe this idea is a fundamental leadership concept, especially...
- January 3, 2020Leadership
Goals: It’s Complicated
Every year for at least 20 years, I spent January 1 happily working on my goals for the new year. And let me tell you, they were beautiful goals. Organized...
- October 18, 2019Leadership, Self-care
When Leadership Hurts
What do you do when you open the email message cruelly outlining all your weaknesses and mocking your vulnerabilities and then realize that it wasn’t meant for you to see?...
- August 7, 2019Leadership
Re: Mass shootings in the U.S. – The change we need will be painful and messy, but it’s necessary
I'm profoundly saddened by what happened in El Paso and Dayton. The impact is beyond words and that fact that it happens over and over and over again breeds a...
Leadership isn't a journey for one.
Escape the chaos. Transform yourself. Lead well.