Anxious people do what anxious people do.
In the last podcast, we talked about how leaders do two things – they lead toward a vision and they manage the anxiety that shows up as they work to get deep commitment to that shared vision. In this episode we are going to dig a little deeper into the second part of that conversation – leaders managing anxiety in the face of the pursuit of a vision.
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Conversation Overview
- Anxious people do what anxious people do.
- Effective leaders learn to notice anxiety and see patterned ways they (and others) express it.
- Leaders work on seeing self – without shame or blame – as part of our humanity.
- Leaders give others the same gift – seeing their reactivity as part of their humanity without shaming or blaming or taking things personally.
- Leaders learn to see self in the system in real time and to, when possible, disrupt those patterns and learn new ways of being.