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Getting From Here to There: The Power of Creative Tension

With Nate Pyle

Effective leaders mobilize people around a shared vision. But how do we lead a group of people from here to there? And how do we even know when we’ve gotten there?

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This is the fourth episode in our series on our book Learning Change: Congregational Transformation Fueled by Personal Renewal. That book came out of our work with what was then known as Ridder Church Renewal and is now known as Churches Learning Change. A group of pastors in that first group came to be dear friends and also contributors to this book, describing their experience with learning to lead in new ways.

In this episode, we talk with Nate Pyle. Nate is an authorblogger and ordained pastor in the Reformed Church of America. In addition to contributing to Learning Change, Nate has written two books: Man Enough: How Jesus Redefines Manhood, and More Than You Can Handle: When Life’s Overwhelming Pain Meets God’s Overcoming Grace, Currently, Nate serves as the pastor of  Christ’s Community Church in Fishers, Indiana where he lives with his wife and three children. He tweets at @natepyle79

Conversation Overview

  • Who creates a vision?
  • Vision vs. Emerging future
  • Current reality: The importance of knowing where we actually are
  • Embracing creative tension
  • Creating space to define current reality and imagining emerging future
  • Practicing to grow your capacity

Learning Change Series

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Nate Pyle