Trustworthy and transformative leaders understand the dynamics of power in their organizations and in themselves and they have developed principles and practices that help them use their own power wisely.
Leadership is inherently about power; a conversation about leadership is inherently a conversation about power. The problem is that we’re uncomfortable not only talking about power but we can be uncomfortable even thinking about it. In this episode, we want to talk about the intersection of leadership and power.
Power is the ability to achieve purpose, power is the ability to effect change, and we need power.”
Martin Luther King Jr
You can check out the other episodes in this series here:
- Power Dynamics for Trustworthy and Transformative Leaders
- Power Dynamics and Conflict: A conversation for trustworthy and transformative leaders
- The Balance of Power: How trustworthy and transformative leaders balance authority and vulnerability creating space for flourishing
- Using and Sharing Power to Create a More Just and Equitable Community
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Conversation Overview
- Leaders will too often use their power in ways that produce outcomes counter to their stated vision or goals
- Misusing and not exercising power
- Power is neutral
- Power dynamics exist regardless of whether we intend to use them or not
- Dare to lead by Brene Brown
- Power over or positions of power
- Power with or the power to collaborate
- Power to or the power to accomplish and take action
- Power dynamics are both subjective and objective
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
- Defined and Connected
- Applying Systems Thinking
- Bowen Family Systems Theory Series
- Spiritual Practices That Lead To Breakthrough
- The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
- Quit Getting In Your Own Way
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